Saturday, September 29, 2018

Top 7 Best Foods to Lose Weight

Top 7 Best Foods to Lose Weight - Are you doing a diet program? Does the diet program provide maximum results?.

There are foods that facilitate weight loss because not all calories are created equally.

However, an effective weight loss plan involves proper dieting and regular exercise, but we will focus on foods that can help you achieve your weight loss goal.

Food is very important because a food is an important role in different metabolic pathways in the body.

food will have different effects on hormones, hunger and how many calories we burn every time. Here are 7 of the best foods that can help you reduce 10 pounds or even more in one month.

1. Wild-Caught Salmon

Salmon and other fish oils are very healthy. They also have a satisfying effect that keeps you full with relatively few calories.

Wild-caught salmon is filled with quality protein, healthy fats and other important nutrients needed to lose weight.

  •  Seafoods, in general, provide a significant amount of iodine. This nutrient is vital for thyroid function, which is important to keep the metabolism running optimally.

  • A 2008 studies reveal that a huge number of people in the world are suffering from iodine deficiency
  • Furthermore, wild-caught salmon is loaded with omega-3 fat, which has been shown to reduce inflammation, a major player in obesity and metabolic disease

2. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are high in fiber and tend to be incredibly fulfilling. 

Not only that, they tend to contain a decent amount of protein.T hough they are not as high as animal foods or legumes, they are high when compared to other vegetable protein source.
A perfect combination of fiber, protein, and low energy density makes this veggie the perfect foods to include in your meals if you are passionate about weight loss.
What’s more, they also contain cancer-fighting compounds, another reason you should incorporate them into your diet

3. Whole Eggs

Whether, boiled, scrambled, fried, eggs are very beneficial in weight loss. Eggs have often been demonized for being high in cholesterol.

However, recent studies reveal that they don’t have adverse affect blood cholesterol levels and don’t cause heart attacks. 

Being an excellent source of protein and healthy fats, eggs can make you feel full with fewer calories. It is among one of the best foods you can eat if you want to lose weight fast.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition shows that 30 overweight women that eat eggs for breakfast instead of bagels had increased satiety and ate less over a 36 hour period.
Eggs are also rich in essential nutrients you need on a calorie restricted diet. Importantly, most of the nutrients are found in the yolks.

4. Beans

Some beans such as black beans, lentils, kidney beans, and some others can be beneficial for weight loss.These foods are high in fiber and protein; two nutrients known to have a high satiating effect. 
However, most people have a problem tolerating legumes, and as such, it is important to prepare them properly before consumption

5. Fruits

Fruits are very healthy and can help you lose weight within a short interval of time.
Studies reveal that people who eat the most fruit and vegetables tend to be healthier than people who don’tThese studies might not prove anything, but fruits do have weight loss friendly properties.
Also, being high in sugar, they have a low energy density. Additionally, the fiber helps prevent the sudden release of sugar into the bloodstream.
However, people who have some sort of fructose intolerance can consider avoiding or minimizing fruit intake.
But for the rest of us, fruits can be all we need in addition to other diets to lose weight. Fruits like apples, watermelon, cucumbers contain very little to no calories plus a lot of water to get the job done.

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is very beneficial when it comes to weight loss. They are high in medium chain fatty acids called Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs). These fatty acids help boost satiety and increase the number of calories burned compared to other fats.

Studies show that coconut oil led to the reduced amount of belly fatThe best way of benefiting from this is by replacing some of your cooking fats with coconut oil.
Extra virgin olive oil is also a great alternative to coconut oil.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also very beneficial in weight loss. It is widely used as a condiment like vinaigrettes or dressing. Some people even drink diluted apple cider vinegar.
Studies reveal that vinegar can be beneficial for weight loss. Taking vinegar alongside, a carbohydrate-rich meal can increase the feeling of fullness and make you eat fewer calories for the rest of the day. 
A 2009 study shows that obese individuals that consumed 15 or 30 mL of vinegar per day for 12 weeks lost about 2.6-3.7 pounds. 
Furthermore, apple cider vinegar has also been shown to be effective in reducing blood sugar spike after meals, which is also beneficial to your health in the long run.

FWD International Health Insurance Review

FWD Insurance Health Review- Exercising and maintaining health must be done by everyone. Nobody wants pain, but the pain does come unexpectedly. And if you are looking for the best health insurance, then we will review FWD insurance. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Good for

- Consumers seeking high-value international health insurance
- Healthy consumers looking for high coverage limits

Bad for

- Women who need maternity coverage
- Those looking to purchase optional benefits separately
- Consumers over 65

The FWD International Health Insurance Plan are some of the most affordable international plans. While the lower limit plan lacks coverage for certain conditions, a higher final plan provides many benefits for attractive prices, attracting value-conscious consumers. However, consumers who need pregnancy or outpatient benefits can find better value with other insurance companies.

Summary of FWD International Health Insurance

Customisable coverage

- S$2 and S$3 million plans are some of the highest value options on the market
- Below average premiums for hospitalization coverage
- Expensive to add outpatient, maternity and dental coverage

Policy Exclusions

FWD's exclusions are fairly standard, with major exclusions including pre-existing conditions, STDs and deliberate self-injury. Accidents or injuries that occur during the course of hazardous occupations such as fire-fighting, police, diving, oil rigging and air force services will not be covered as well.

- Pre-existing conditions
- Congenital Conditions (for plans less than S$1m annual limit)
- STDs
- Gender Reassignment
- Conception & fertility treatments
- Personality disorders
- Sleep disorders
- Developmental disorders
- Deliberate self-inflicted injury or suicide
- Genetic testing/Stem Cell treatment
- Sleep and Eating disorders
- Death or injury from professional sports involvement

The coverage of FWD insurance branches is in the following regions: Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam

Friday, September 28, 2018

7 Tips Safely Use Your Credit Card Online

Shopping online is very much in demand from everyone, from young to old people. But do you not know, lately there is a lot of theft of customer data. Then how to secure transactions online?

Let's see the following review:

1.Only use your credit card on websites you trust.

When you shop with your credit card online, it's important that you only go to websites you trust. Avoid clicking on email links, particularly in unsolicited emails, because these links could take you to a fake website that's set up for the sole purpose of stealing your credit card information. Instead, go directly to the real website by typing the URL in your internet browser.

2. Don't make online credit card purchases from public places.

Public computers and networks are less secure so there's a greater chance that your credit card information can be stolen when you use it to make purchases on a public computer. These computers could have a keylogger software that will capture all your keystrokes, including your login information and credit card number.

You're not safe just because you're using your own computer on a public wifi. Hackers have access to the same wifi signal and can intercept information while it's being transmitted. That means no online ordering while you're using the wifi at your local coffee shop.

3. Protect your computer from viruses and hackers.

Make sure your computer is protected from hackers that could send your internet browser to a fake website by loading the most recent anti-virus and anti-spyware software onto your computer. Use only reputable anti-virus software, not anything you see in a pop-up advertisement or get as a link in an email.

4. Check with the Better Business Bureau.

If you're using your credit card online at a store you're not familiar with, check the Better Business Bureau or other consumer reports before entering your credit card information. Don't use your credit card at any website that has a poor customer service record with the Better Business Bureau.

5. Use a credit card online instead of a debit card.

Credit cards offer more protection against fraudulent charges than debit cards. With credit cards, your maximum liability for fraudulent charges is $50. However, with debit card fraud, you could be liable for up to $500.

Not only that, if your debit card is compromised, you could lose access to all the money in your checking account until the bank sorts out the fraud. It could take days to get your funds back.

Meanwhile, your bills are coming due and you could face late penalties from the companies you owe. Fraudulent credit card charges don't take anything from your pocket and are easier to deal with.

6. Make sure the credit card entry page is secure.

Only enter your credit card information on secure websites that will protect your information. You can check a website's security by checking the URL. On the page that you enter your credit card information, the URL in your browser's address bar should begin with "https://" and there should be a lock in the lower right corner.

7. Print your online credit card receipts.

When you use your credit card online, always print a copy of your receipt or confirmation. Then, compare the amount on your receipt to the amount on your billing statement to make sure the totals match.

5 Healthy Foods that are Making You Fat

If you are, do not run a diet program. And want to burden the body quickly, you come on the right blog. This time we are discussing how Healthy Foods that are Making You Fat.

1. Fruit Smoothies 

Fruit Smoothies contains 450 Cals per serving Almond milk, a bunch of fruits, some nuts, peanut butter, yogurt, healthy sweeteners, protein powders ... all healthy right ?!

Try adding all of your smoothie ingredients to the calorie tracking app and see what appears ...
Smoothies are really amazing and I highly recommend them, but they are very easy to overdo because ... liquid calories! They can easily replace or exceed all food at around 450 calories.
So pay attention to the portion size!

2. Hummus

Hummus There are 408 Cals per cup. I usually make my own hummus for an entire week. It has many health benefits and is packed with nutritious ingredients.

When I first added to my calorie tracker, I was a little bit surprised to be honest. Just 1 tablespoon has about 25 calories and we obviously eat a lot of tablespoons!

There 's no reason to lose this from your diet if you' re trying to lose fat ... in fact, you should add it. But try making your own instead of store-bought and replace some of the olive oil with Greek.

3. Acai bowls 

Considered by some ‘the world’s healthiest breakfast’ (super yummy too!)

Here’s a truth bomb… a typical Acai bowl can have anywhere from 21 to 62 grams of sugar and about 500 calories. This fruit by itself is bitter so they’re generally blended with a lot of sugar for taste.

To ‘top’ it off, Acai bowls generally have a banana, coconut, honey and a list of other high-calorie ingredients.

4. Nut Butters

How many times have you eaten peanut butter straight from the jar? *hides face

Nut butters ROCK! I add them to everything… but a few tablespoons here and there and bam… I’ve already gone way over my calorie allowance for the day.

At my current 2000 calorie allowance a day, I have 2 tablespoons. But when I’m trying to shed fat, I have to considerably reduce my portion size


I use powdered peanut butter – PB2. It has about 45 calories in two tablespoons and 85% less fat. I add it to sauces, smoothies, stir-fries, wraps, and it tastes pretty good!

5. Fruit Juices 

If you don't like peanut butter, it's better to drink juice and some snacks in the morning. Because juice has 140 Cals per glass that are good for your health and weight.

With the correct composition

Fruit juices are marketed as ‘healthy’… but here are some facts…

Full of sugar
No fiber
Added sweeteners
Easy to consume liquid calories

I’m not a fan… in fact, I completely avoid fruit juices. As an alternative, I add whole fruit to smoothies or just eat fresh fruit instead.

5 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Toxins In Your Body

5 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Toxins In Your Body - Try to always maintain a good diet, so as not to be easily affected by the disease. Like detox poison in the body, and several other diseases. Detoxification removes or removes toxins from certain parts or your body in general.

These special impurities pose a great threat to your health and can be made with the help of several cleaning agents.

Unlike detox recipes that require many ingredients.

Let's follow the following methods:

1. Drink Your Water

Water does more in the body than keeping you hydrated. It's nature's given and simply flushes out toxins in the body without you knowing. Apart from detoxification, WebMD also states that water is essential for energizing your muscles.

 As much as it's important to exercise to stay sharp, You need water during the process to chase fatigue away.

Since the body is made of 70% fluid, Our water intake makes sure flows throughout those hiding places the toxins are and flushes 'em out.

Some of those places include your skin, digestive tract and so on. 

2. Take it Easy on Oils & Sugars

If you're in the process of detoxifying yourself then you might wanna rest back on these two for a while.
Foods that contain excess oil & fat usually gets in the way of the detoxification process that may be going on in your body.
This also applies to foods with tons of artificial sugar, caffeine too as they trigger some parts of your body to focus on other things apart from cleansing.
To encourage your detox process you could in turn switch to getting your sugar from fruits and minimize food which constitutes of these substances.

3. Sweat More

Anything that makes you sweat more but not stresses.
Sweating is an excretion process, one of your body's way of passing out harmful substances in the body through the skin pores.
A good way to sweat more is to exercise more which ultimately leads us to talk about the many benefits of exercise.

4. Banish Stress

Like it or not, Stress causes more havoc to the body than you can ever think of.
Stress stops the body from doing the needful things like detoxification process. This is why enough rest and less stress is advised for better overall health and fitness.

5. Increase Your Fiber Intake

Fiber has tons of things it does for the body. we usually recommend foods high in fiber to our readers looking to lose weight fast, It's no brainier.
A good vegetable source of fiber you should really look into is asparagus, Check out these metabolism boosting foods to discover a healthy asparagus recipe.

Monday, September 24, 2018

3 Tips Find a Great Babysitter Online

3 Tips Find a Great Babysitter Online - Busy about work, makes you no time to take care of children. If you are wondering how to find a childcare provider in Canada, searching for online classified ad sites can be a good choice, because it allows you to quickly review many options. But how can you distinguish which babysitter is the best from seeing online ads? Here are some tips on how to find the best child caregiver for your child.

Review the High Qualifications

Most childcare advertisements should highlight childcare experiences in childcare. See if they have worked with children in a professional manner before, or have had years of childcare experience. Some caregivers may have CPR and first aid certification which can be very useful in an emergency. Don't forget to check to find out the age of the children who are most comfortable working with them. Advertisements can also include other personal details about the background of a child caregiver that can help you get to know them.

Follow up with References
Check to see if references are listed in the ad, or whether this can be given when you meet directly. Take the time to follow up on references and hear what other people say about their experiences with prospective carers. This can give you a better view of their past work and what you can expect.

Meet In Person

Once you have selected a list of potential babysitters from a site, it’s time to start the interview process. This can be the most critical factor when you’re trying to find the best babysitter for your kids. You want to feel comfortable and confident with the person taking care of your children. A reliable babysitter should show up on time and be prepared to be interviewed. Excellent communication skills are essential, so pay attention to how well they communicate and connect with you. If they seem like an excellent candidate, arrange for them to meet your child, and observe how they interact and whether your child seems to like them. After they leave, take some time to sit with your child and talk to them about whether they felt comfortable and had fun with the babysitter.

Deciding on Rates

In almost all cases, ads will specify rates, so you can quickly screen applicants according to your budget. A babysitter with more qualifications and experience may expect a higher rate than newer sitters, but this is often worth it. Rates can vary widely depending on where you live. You can get a better sense of what is fair by checking with family and friends who have hired babysitters, or by researching what local nanny services charge.

If you’re trying to find a reliable babysitter, invest your time in doing careful research and personally interviewing candidates. Online ads provide you with a wide range of options so you can be highly selective about who will care for your child. With these tips, you should be ready to start your search for the best babysitter for your little one!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

6 The Best Savings Account

6 The best savings account   - The success of a person starts planning the smallest, one of which is saving. save to plan the cost of childbirth or go to your favorite university. The best savings accounts must come with great customer service, cutting-edge technology, and higher-than-average interest rates, and they must have low or no cost.

Lifestyle Do More has collected 6 The best savings account  

1.Chase Savings℠

Chase Savings℠ has 2,000+ branches and Mobile-friendly support. As well as good service 24/7, with a bonus of up to $ 150(Requirements to qualify) APY 0.01% With $1 minimum balance.

Why we like it ?

Those who prioritize great customer service and availability of branches when picking a bank might not expect a bonus, too. But banking giant Chase offers a sign-up bonus of $150 to new savings customers who maintain a balance of $10,000 for 90 days. (Read about the Chase bonus requirements.) It lifts Chase into the ranks of banks to consider, despite the underwhelming 0.01% APY it offers on savings deposits (effective 6/15/18; interest rates are variable and subject to change).

The bank gets great user ratings for its mobile banking apps, and J.D. Power has recognized it for customer satisfaction. If you’re looking for a traditional, full-service bank, Chase is a solid choice.

2. Discover (Online Savings)

if you want to open a savings account and there is no Monthly Fee. lifestyle do more would recommend by opening a savings account (Online Savings).  APY 1.80% With $0 minimum balance and Bonus $200 (Requirements to qualify).

Discover Online Savings tops off its 1.80% APY with a $150 or $200 bonus. If you can swing the required deposit of $15,000 or $25,000, respectively, it’s a pretty sweet offer. The savings account has no minimum deposit requirement, plus there’s no monthly maintenance fee.

“To get your $150 or $200 bonus offer: What to do: Apply for your first Discover Online Savings Account by 10/8/18, online or by phone. Enter Offer Code NW918 when applying. Deposit into your account a total of at least $15,000 to earn a $150 bonus or deposit a total of at least $25,000 to earn a $200 bonus by 10/22/18. Maximum bonus eligibility is $200.“What to know: Offer not valid for existing or prior Discover savings customers or existing or prior customers with savings accounts that are co-branded or affinity accounts provided by Discover. Account must be open when bonus is credited. Bonus will be credited to the account by 11/5/18. Bonus is considered interest and will be reported on IRS Form 1099-INT. Offer may be modified/withdrawn without notice.”

3. High Yield Savings Account

The High-Yield Savings Account from American Express National Bank pays a stellar APY of 1.80%, among the highest available. And you won’t have to worry about minimum balances or monthly fees. Support is available 24/7 via phone.

  • No Monthly Fee

  • Competitive APY

There are some downsides: American Express currently offers a savings account and certificates of deposit but not a checking account. You can, however, connect up to three external bank accounts to the high-yield savings account. At present, the online bank’s mobile apps are only for credit card holders, which means you’ll need to access your savings account through a web browser.

4. Barclays Bank (online savings)

This online offshoot of the global financial services company offers customers in the United States a high-yield savings account accessible through a streamlined website. There’s no monthly fee or minimum balance requirement. With a 1.85% APY, the interest rate is among the highest out there. Customer service is available by phone and mail.

  • No Monthly Fee

  • Competitive APY

  • APY


    With $1 minimum balance

5. Alliant savings accounts

It’s easy to apply for Alliant membership. Just indicate your support for an Alliant-affiliated nonprofit if you don’t meet the other criteria, and the credit union will make a $5 donation on your behalf. Once you are approved for an account, you’ll have access to Alliant’s services, including more than 80,000 surcharge-free ATMs, and you’ll pay minimal fees.

  • Competitive APY

  • Live help 24/7

  • Mobile-friendly

  • No Monthly Fee

You can earn an annual percentage yield of 1.80% and skip the $1 monthly fee if you opt out of paper statements. Alliant’s digital tools are a step ahead of those offered by other credit unions, and you can have up to 19 Alliant savings accounts to save for specific goals.

The credit union, however, has only around 10 branches — in California, Colorado, Illinois, Texas and the Washington, D.C., area — and doesn’t participate in shared branching.

6.  Ally Bank  (Online savings)

Ally Bank has one of the best overall digital experiences among online banks. Its website is easy to use, and its mobile apps are compatible not only with Apple and Android devices but also with Windows phones. Ally offers real-time chat support, unlike most of the banks listed here. The 1.85% annual percentage yield on this account is among the best on the market, and there is no monthly fee or minimum deposit requirement.

  • Competitive APY

  • Live help 24/7

  • Mobile-friendly

Ally is a good choice for people who want a top-tier online experience along with a strong interest rate.