Sunday, September 23, 2018

5 Things You Need to Know Before Buying an Electric Car

5 Things You Need to Know Before Buying an Electric Car – Technological development is growing rapidly, not only on the side of smartphones or smart homes. But this innovation also penetrated the 4-wheel drive sector. So far, what we know is that cars use fuel oil. But the resulting impact is air pollution that will disrupt future lives. Making electronic cars may be the solution for us now and in the future.

If you want to buy an electronic car. We recommend that you pay attention to the following instructions, so as not to be disappointed after buying it. And the following 5 Things You Need to Know Before Buying an Electric Car

1. Prepare Your Home Charging

There are two main options for charging an electric vehicle at home: (1) 120V charging from an ordinary home outlet and (2) 240V charging from either an upgraded home circuit or existing circuit for a heavy electric appliance like a drying machine.

There is also DC fast charging, but that is only applicable to charging on-the-go and described in more detail below. Before deciding on how to charge, talk with a couple licensed electricians to better understand your home’s electrical capacity. Mr. Electric appears to win the Google SEO for “electrician for an electric vehicle,” so maybe head there for a start.

Electric Vehicle Charging Level 1 (120 volts)—about 4-6 miles of range per hour of charge

Uses an ordinary wall outlet just like a toaster.
Typically won’t require modifications to electric panels or home wiring.
Confirm that your home’s electrical circuits are at least 15 or 20-amp, single pole by consulting with a licensed electrician.
Slow, but can get the job done if you don’t drive that much on a daily basis. If you only need 20 miles of range, for example, only getting 20 miles of charge each night is not a problem. For road trips, most EVs are equipped to handle the faster-charging options that can make charging pit stops on road trips pretty quick. Electric Vehicle charging level 2 (240 volts)—about 10-25 miles of range per hour of charge

installation costs vary, but here’s a 30-amp charger from Amazon that is highly rated and costs around $900, including installation, and here’s one that includes an algorithm to minimize charging emissions and costs.
Will likely require a new dedicated circuit from the electric panel to a wall located near the EV parking spot.
Consult with a licensed electrician to verify that your home has a two-pole 30 to 50-amp electrical circuit breaker panel.
Electric Vehicle Charging Level 3 (aka DC fast charging) (400 volts)—Not for home use, but can charge battery up to 80 percent in about 30 minutesThe fastest charging method available, but prohibitively expensive for home use.
Some vehicles can get an 80 percent full charge in as little as 30 minutes, depending on the electric vehicle type.
No other automaker has a relatively affordable, 200 mile-plus range electric vehicle on the market, yet (the nextgen Nissan Leaf will compete too), and one or both of these vehicles may be a pivotal point in the modern shift to electrics. Assuming you’re already sold on the benefits of driving on electricity, here are a couple tips for you to consider if you’re prepping for an electric vehicle.

2. Archive Your Tax Credit(s)

Purchasing an electric vehicle should qualify you for a federal tax credit of up to $7,500. Here is all the information and form to fill out when you file taxes. You better file quickly because the federal tax credit is capped at 200,000 credits per manufacturer. Some manufacturers, including Nissan and Chevrolet, are forecast to hit the 200,000 caps as early as 2018. If Tesla delivers on its 400,000 Model 3 pre-orders, not every Model 3 owner will be able to take advantage of the full $7,500 savings, so act fast! Also, check this map to see what additional state incentives you may qualify for.

3. Locate Public Charging Stations

Tesla has a network of fast charging stations exclusively for Tesla owners, but there are thousands of public charging stations that any electric vehicle driver can use on the go too. You may be surprised to find chargers near your workplace, school, or other frequent destination. Check out this Department of Energy station locator, or this map from PlugShare. The Department of Transportation has also designated several charging corridors that should be getting even more EV chargers.

there will be a problem if you have bought an electric car, but there is no place to recharge your car’s battery.

4. Contact Your Utility

Give your utility a heads up that you are getting an electric vehicle, and inquire about any promotional plans for vehicle charging. Some utilities have flexible “time-of-use” rates, meaning that they will charge you less when you plug a vehicle in during off-peak times (typically overnight). Your utility might also have its own electric vehicle incentives, like a rebate on installation or charger costs, or even a pilot project on smart charging where you can get paid to plug in your vehicle.

5. Say Goodbye to Internal Combustion Engines, Forever!

Driving on electricity is not only cheaper and cleaner than driving on gasoline, it’s also a total blast. Prepare to never want to go back to gasoline-powered vehicles as you cruise on the smooth, silent power of electricity.

8 Tips for a Healthy and Glowing Skin

8 Tips for a Healthy and Glowing Skin – Having healthy and radiant skin is dreamed of by every woman. Many ways to stay beautiful in front of their partners, but not all women get what they expect. Like already doing the treatment at the beauty center, but sometimes the results are not satisfactory.

And the following lifestyle do more have summarized some interesting articles, the following 8 Tips for a Healthy and Glowing Skin

1. Drink Water

Water has long been considered as the most efficient natural treatment or an almost free treatment for any skin condition because of its being alkaline, with pH 7.3. It prevents dehydration which is capable of producing sebum or oil from the sebaceous glands. Your skin needs water in order for it to function best, thus doctors and nutritionists suggest that a daily intake of between 6 to 8 glasses of water per day is highly needed.

2. Watch Your Diet

Nutrition plays a vital role in skin health too. Specific foods such as those acidic foods and dairy products are said to be effective in causing an allergic reaction in some people. Also, one of the widely debated topics in the area of nutrition today is chocolates. Some say that chocolate does affect the condition of the skin, while others say it doesnít. Whatever the result may be, the best advice is just to follow a nutritious diet that has a number of fresh fruits and green leafy veggies, as well as fiber.

3. Consider Exfoliants

Many experts say that exfoliating your skin is another great way to attain a beautiful skin. So, try to invest in a good body exfoliant or ìloofahî, as it is commonly called, as it is capable of eliminating the dead skin cells from your body. Accordingly, this should be done once or twice a week so to free the skin to breathe. Whatís more, exfoliants help to put off ingrown hair from developing.However, it is essential to avoid using any body exfoliant on the skin on the face. The main reason for this precaution is that the facial tissue is more sensitive and finer than those tissues of the body.

4. Consider a Healthy Routine for Facial Care

When it comes to facial skin care, getting into a healthy beauty routine is not bad. Most of the doctors today greatly suggest that you cleanse, moisturize and tone your skin twice every day. When cleaning, never fail to remember cleaning the area on the neck, including your face. Apply a moisturizer or neck cream after.

Before going to bed at night, always bear in mind to remove all makeup. Clean your skin before you sleep, no matter how tired you may feel. It was found out that during the night, the skin goes through a process of elimination and cannot breathe properly if it is clogged with makeup. And, you may also find out that sleeping with your make up on will cause your skin to ìbreak outî with spots on it.

When it comes to shaving for men, some men may experience shaving rashes. For many, these rashes lower their self-esteem, but this is actually not a big problem to think about. There are a lot of ways to avoid rashes. Perhaps one of the best is to make sure that when shaving, the razor strokes are following the direction of hair growth. Thatís simply it!

5. Heal Your Feet

When it comes to skincare, the feet are often neglected. So, if the care you found no time for a professional pedicure, try to fill a football or basin with warm water and add your favorite essential oil. Soak your feet for about fifteen minutes. Then, dry them and apply a rough skin remover onto them. Rinse this off and dry your feet well. And, if you consider pedicure, simply add somebody cream to your feet for an easy and quick fix pedicure.

6. Avoid Too Much Exposure to the Sun

One of the most common precautions when it comes to skin care is avoiding too much exposure to the sun. As you may know, overexposure to sunlight causes sunburn. So, while current sunblocks only block out the UVB rays and still let in harmful UVA rays, it is still wise to cover up before venturing into the hands of Apollo. If possible, use a wide-brimmed hat while tending your garden to keep the sun from your face.

7. Exercise

Aside from considering a healthy diet, exercising your body also helps keep your skin healthy. Note that a proper exercise does not only keep the body fit by regulating the oxygen; it also improves the glow of the skin as well.

8. Take Enough Rest

One common problem that faces people is stress; the one which is not normal. It was found out that when a person is stressed, the adrenal cortex converts adrenal androgens to the hormone testosterone in male and female, which in turn results in overactive sebaceous glands. These adrenal androgens are released causing a double amount of testosterone, causing the face to be oily, while other areas of the body are still dry from dehydration. So, taking proper rest that includes 6 to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep daily is the best way to rejuvenate the skin.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

5 Reasons Why Your Savings Plan Money Will Fail

5 Reasons Why Your Savings Plan Money Will Fail - Save money and plan for the future, it should be at the start of the day. Sometimes, start saving for the future is very difficult.

How is the solution? Here are 5 reasons why Your savings plan money will fail

1. You don’t commit to your plan

It’s just like every new year’s resolution. You just don’t put enough effort and commitment into your money-saving plans. Yes, motivation will run dry and you’ll find yourself second guessing on whether this is all worth it. Is eating slightly less than usual worth it? Is walking and boarding the public transport rather than traveling by taxi worth it? Is pushing aside instant gratification by not buying those clothes you desire worth it? Here’s the answer — Yes. A resounding yes.

The answer is yes not because you’ll be able to gain extra money at the end of the year. No, it’s not that. It’s not because of the money at all. It’s this: self-satisfaction and self-worth. If you fail this money-saving plan, at the end of the day you’ll ask the ‘what if’ questions. Regrets. You’ll be regretting. Like I said, it’s not about the money. You’ll regret it because you never proved to yourself. You’ll never be able to prove that you could do something to benefit your own life. Even with something as easy as following a plan. This is one success in your life that you’ll never get acquainted with. So stop second-guessing. Change requires you to transcend the struggles.

2. Your plans are not specific enough to accommodate Murphy’s Law

It’s true. Life, as cliche as it invariably seems, is unpredictable. There’s always an expected moment where you see yourself forking out extra money to fund for something you didn’t account for. It could be social pressure from your friends to chip in for an expensive present for a friend’s birthday. It could be fines that you had to pay for illegal parking. It could be the cab fare you had to fork out for waking up late. It could be clinic fees when you unexpectedly fall ill. There are a million reasons for this, and you don’t even know how many times a month these happen. So here’s a simple solution to a complicated problem:

Set aside miscellaneous savings. It’s as easy as that. Every month, set aside RM200 to about RM300 just to accommodate for unexpected spending. Make sure these savings are parted from your main bulk of finances. Whenever the miscellaneous savings have balance, snowball it to the next month. Accumulate it. Your miscellaneous funds will evolve into ‘rescue money’. It’ll save your soul when you need money badly. Caution though, it’s going to be difficult to stop yourself from spending that extra money accumulated it since it’s not part of your budget. But make sure you resist. See number 1.

3. You don’t have an organized weekly routine/habit

Sure, this point may sound like the previous one. But this one’s more about the bigger idea. You need to have a routine for yourself. If you’re employed, there’s a higher chance that you have an organized or stable daily routine. Sometimes occupations thrive on uncertainty in terms of scheduling and employees find themselves at home at 3 pm on a Monday or shopping at 11 am on a Thursday. If this is you, then you need to plan a weekly personal schedule. Once you’ve got a week’s worth of working in your schedule from your employer, immediately spend some time and plan your whole week. It’ll help you to predict your expenses.

It’s actually good that you leave your life instantaneous and turbulent (in the most fun and self-benefitting way possible). But when planning to save money, you need to gain better control of your life. The next tip will help everyone that thrives on an unpredictable weekly schedule.

4. You don’t find cheaper alternatives

Cheaper alternatives always exist. It’s a question of whether you’d disburse extra effort just to attain that alternative. Food is one aspect in your spending that will always have a cheaper alternative. Should you spend on an expensive but delicious pasta at a restaurant that costs beyond quite expensive.

or cheap laksa in hawker (an equally delicious)? How about transportation? Is there an alternative to driving? Are you able to walk distances shorter than those few seem to ride public transportation? In any case, there is always an alternative when it comes to online shopping. Alright, this is not really an alternative. It is more like an add-on that helps you save a lot of money if you are a compulsive buyer.

5. You don’t embrace a drastic change into your life to fit your money-saving plans

his is the most important part of your money-saving plans. To save as much money by the end of the year as possible, you need to embrace change in your life. You can’t expect yourself to remain stagnant if you’re trying to achieve this. It’ll just be another meaningless idea. Something needs to change. This is probably the first rule that everyone fails to expect when embarking on a plan to save. It’s the root to why all new year resolutions never materialize.

You need to prep yourself before starting to save. There are two ways to do this:

Progress slow – Let yourself be slowly accustomed to the change that comes with your plan

Habits are difficult to change. Similarly, jumping into the plan that requires you to substantially change your daily routines and habits might shock your mind. So progress slow. Perhaps the amount of money that you save in the first few weeks and months do not have to be too extravagant. Start with 30% – 40% of your intended amount. Then slowly increase with every week or month. You know yourself better than anyone else.

Do weekly challenges of the full plan

It’s like a trial version. See how long you can sustain your money-saving plan without damaging your body or affecting the people around you. If the plan is extremely exhausting and you predict that it’ll damage your body, then level down on the difficulty of your plan. Alternatively, go slow and let yourself gradually get accustomed to it. We’ve written a great post about saving money that you could embark on or you could mimic some of the points that we’ve laid down. Click here to read it!

Conclusively, it’s actually very easy to actually save money. It requires attention, commitment, diligence, and smarts. There is always a way to go about saving money. You could definitely build your own way of being frugal once you’ve ticked off all these obstacles that leave you in failure. Go on, save up!

Top 14 Tips Maintenance So That Your Car Last Longer

Top 14 Tips Maintenance So That Your Car Last Longer - Caring for your car is a very important step, that every car owner should follow and improve the lives of their cars. In order to make it look like new all the time. Always follow the maintenance schedule, and never disregard or delay. So the car you always get up to speed with the best performance.

Preventive maintenance is the best thing you can do to your car to improve your life and also save money on repairs. Never ignore the preventative maintenance such as they can tell you when to change the oil, checking tire pressure, getting the inspection's, etc. The best guide You can get this from the owner's manual. However, we have provided some car maintenance tips to help you plan your schedule.

Top 14 Tips Maintenance so That Your Car Last Longer

1. Check your Air Filter

Many of the troubled car caused by defective water filter attached to them and wear caused by them. You should get your filter changes every 12 months or after 12000 miles, whichever comes sooner. Don't ignore this maintenance because it will lead to problems with AIR CONDITIONING and you are inhaling unhealthy air in your car.

You can get the filter replaced mechanical in the comfort of your garage in just 10 minutes. By doing it yourself, you can save a trip to the mechanic and also money. Here's how you can do it yourself :

  • Firstly locate your filter, which is situated in the hood of the car. It is a black rectangular box, which has metal clips inside it. You can see it as soon as you pop the hood. If you don't find it there, then check the owner's manual for assistance.

  • After locating it remove the casing and see how the filter is fit inside it. It is important to note the directions of the filter. Make a note of the directions of the filter and remove it.

  • After removing it insert the new filter in the same way, the old one was fit in the same direction. You will see that it will be perfectly fit touching the edges.

  • Now close the metal clips after you are done. This way you have changed the air filter.

You can also clean out the debris from your new filter by using compressed air. This will improve the life of the filter and make it last longer.

2. Inspect Fluids and Tire Pressure Regularly

This is something that you should never disregard or delay any cost. They are the major components of your car and also has a habit of wearing and walk out too fast.

The task of checking takes just 10 minutes.

All you need to do is open the machine when it is cooled down and release the oil dipstick. Clean thoroughly and put it back again. Now when you pull it, you will see the oil stuck to it. This way you'll know when to change the engine oil.

While doing this also check your power steering fluid level and also the hose and belt for signs of wear. After warming up your car check the transmission fluid level too.

Now for your tires, you can check the pressure using the measuring device and ensure that it has the correct pressure for all tires. Do this every week for less used to ban you.

3. Check your Battery

We all have had our car batteries run out when we need it the most. We all faced the situation where we are left stranded on the road in the middle of the nights with just the lights of our cell phones. It isn't a pretty situation, is it?

To avoid this never ignore your low battery sign and always get it checked regularly. Check for leakage or any mineral build up around it. Clean it with a battery cleaning brush and do this whenever necessary.

4. Change your Spark Plugs

If you see that your machine does not work efficiently, so the main problem is probably the spark plugs. If you haven't yet checked if they wear out easily and will be discussed in the buildup. Check and get them replaced if necessary. They usually last for 30,000 miles; See the owner's manual for accurate depiction because it specifically was written for your car and give you better details.

5. Get your Tires Rotated and Balanced

This is the easiest trick in the book to prevent wearing of tires and make them last longer, and the trick is to get them rotated once in a while. All tires do not wear at the same amount. So by rotating the front and rear tires, you balance the wear and make them more durable.

Ensure that the tires of your car are always perfectly aligned as non-aligned tires can make you lose control of your car and cause accidents.

6. Clean your Windshields and Replace the Wipers

If the glass is not a good look, there are scratches. We recommend that you clean it, or replace it with a new one. If you do not replace it, will affect you in driving, caused by scratches on the glass.

7. Inspect and Replace Serpentine Belts

Thoroughly inspect your serpentine belts and check for wears. If these belts fail, they can cause damage to the other accessories to make the bill of your repair too high. It is recommended to get it checked every 60,000 miles but you should the owner's manual to get the best guide for your car.

8. Ensure the Working of the Cooling System

The hoses, which carry the engine coolant can damage very quickly as they transport high-pressure fluids, which can break if the pressure is too high. Also, the heater hoses face the same problem as they carry hot coolant to the passenger compartment.

The best way for efficient working create a perfect balance between them and get it checked regularly. And, why should you do so? The answer is getting this system replaced would cut deep into your pockets. So the smart choice would be to inspect them for any damage and taking action immediately.

9. Check your Brakes

Movies have a scene of brakes failing to cause the car crashing into places. While we might not read much into this scene, don't make this your reality as it is a very tricky and risky situation to be in. If your brake system is efficient, then your car will be very youthful and last longer.

It also ensures a very safe driving for the passengers in the car and also the people around you. Getting your brakes checked and replaced is like changing your car's oil, Simple and easy.

There is a very easy way to check your brake fluid; this will prove that the system is working properly. But if the color is little to the dark side then that's the car signaling you to change it. The dark black color indicates that the fluid is filled with rubber and rest and you should replace the fluid as soon as possible.

To make the brake system more durable, you should replace it completely every two years. Also if your car is more than seven years old then change the rubber brake lines for smooth driving.

10. Keep it Covered

This may seem like a very easy tip, but it has a major impact on maintaining your car. Keeping it out of the reach of the sunlight helps the outer material and the paint to stay stronger.

This will make your car look more stylish and brand new for a longer period. So cover your car when not in use and try to keep it in your garage whenever you can.

11. Exterior Engine Cleaning

We have learned the importance of maintaining your engine internally; it is as important to do it for the exterior too. Some minor debris in the wrong place can do a lot of damage if not checked. You don't need to dismantle your entire car to do so, just keep an eye on the engine and get it checked.
There is a special engine cleaner available on the market designed specifically for exterior engine cleaning. Also, remove the grease and the debris. Do not use harsh equipment like a wire brush as it can harm the engine and damage the components.

12. Carry the Automotive Tools at all Times

The best tip to maintain your car properly is to be ready to face any situation and gave the suited tools with you. If you delay repair, it can potentially cause more damage, which was already there and also increase the amount of repair. The best remedy is to inspect the problem yourself whenever you feel while driving that the car is not working efficiently.

Do take the help of the mechanic if the damage is severe. There is a set of tools, which is readily available and you can store it in your trunk. Do carry the best jumper cables to give that jump start to your car so that you are not stuck in a tricky situation.

13. Protect your Headlights

Always keep an eye on your headlights as they are your best friends while driving at night. It can be an extremely dangerous and risky situation if you drive without your headlight on at night. Replace, repair it before they fuse it for your safety and others around you.

We also have the tendency to forget to switch off the lights the next morning. This makes you drain your battery and also leads to extensive damage to your engine. It is better to ensure the headlight working as it doesn't take much of your time and keeps it well-maintained.

14. Clean the interior of the car and give air freshener

keep the interior looks clean, and fragrant with perfumes typical of the natural. Will make you more relaxed, and passengers in the drive.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Top 10 Best Places to Get Married in Europe

Top 10 Best Places to Get Married in Europe - If you are planning to get married in a foreign country, then you must select a destination on the continent of Europe. European countries are very known for its romantic and beautiful shades that would definitely make your wedding unforgettable. In addition to the romantic, you'll get to explore many many things, which means that your guests will be entertained to the fullest.

Some famous celebrities George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin were married at the beautiful European city of Venice. So, if you are confused about the place that you have to get married, then here we provide a list of the Top ten places in Europe that the best wedding venue in the world. Choose your favorite one and plan your wedding with the perfect backdrop for Your wedding photos and things to explore the infinite.

  1. Venice, Italy

Venice is known as the ' City of Water ', located in the country of Italy is the most romantic city in the world and certainly, the best place to get married in Europe. The best place for Your wedding ceremony including The Palazzo Cavalli beautiful built and has a unique attraction overlooking the Grand Canal.

Then for Your wedding reception, you can order The Palladian Villas which have Renaissance Venice architecture that is truly remarkable in itself. So, plan your wedding in a city full of love and romance

2. Crete Island, Greece

If you want your wedding ceremony to be a unique one, then Crete Island situates in Greece should be your wedding destination for sure. It is one of the most popular islands of Greece having an amazing view. The beautiful turquoise water, the bright sun, and the amazing beaches are the highlights of the place. It is quite an ancient island as it was home to famous conquerors and pirates and the legend of Zeus was also born here. The weddings here for sure will be the most romantic and unusual one. You can go in for a Greek-style wedding according to the culture out here. For the venue you have some amazing choices like the Lake Voulizmeni, The Church of St. Focas and the Town Hall of Hersonissos which are just perfect for your D day.

3. Prague, Czech Republic

The city of Prague is located in the Czech Republic is a very romantic place to tie sacred promise of marriage. Gothic architecture to build amazing cities which are very popular for getting married in Europe. For pre-wedding Shoot, the perfect place is the Charles Bridge. The city has some amazing historical building beautifully designed which also includes the famous as well. So, you can order a castle for Your wedding ceremony to get a Princess type of feeling. Weddings here in Prague will definitely be a dream wedding and most memorable also.

4. Verona, Italy

In addition to the city of Venice, Italy also has other beautiful cities. Namely, the city of Verona. This city as we all know is famous for the greatest love story ever- Romeo and Juliet. So, obviously is the city is quite historic, famous and the most romantic city in the world.

Apart from that, the city is also famous for the amazing cuisine and outstanding wine flavors. The city has some beautiful vineyards and villages located at the banks of River Adige.

You have some amazing choice when it comes to choosing the venue for the D-day. It can be the House of Juliet which has a beautiful balcony or you can choose the Guarienti Hall for a formal kind of a wedding. You can also book the famous Palladian Villas and Relais. We are sure you will fall in love with this city and its surroundings.

5. Jukkasjarvi, Sweden

Plan your wedding at this amazing place situates in the Northern region of Sweden which is home to the very famous Icehotel which is said to be the world’s most unique hotel. So, if you like experimenting, then this wedding destination is ideal for you. Every November a large group of artists and designers visit the city of Jukkasjarvi to build the hotel from the ice of Torne River. This cycle continues every year and every time the artists bring out their creativity by building something new. This is why the hotel’s beauty is mesmerizing. So, if you want to get married in this icy hotel, then do plan your wedding here for sure.

6. Paris, France

The city as the center of the fashion world. For the city of Paris, France. Offers in terms of romantic which will not be forgotten. For you and your partner, other than the Eiffel Tower. There are other places, which may be a reference. If the place many people, other places as well. like the Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame de Paris, Arc de Triomphe, and much more.

7. Madrid, Spain

The city of Madrid, located in the country Spain. and has a population of 3.166 million in 2016. Have interesting places that will make an unforgettable impression of your wedding party. Among them: Plaza de Espana, the Royal Palace or Palacio Real, Retiro Park, and many more.

8. Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt am Main, is a town in the German State. The city is also not to be outdone is beautiful with countries that are in the other Europe. Perhaps not as attractive as other cities, but could possibly be so can you reference, to perform the marriage ceremony here

9. Vilnius,Lithuania

You may feel unfamiliar with the city of Vilnius. Vilnius is the capital of the State of Lithuania, which is in Eastern Europe. If you're there to do a wedding, definitely will be interesting and you will be amazed with the beauty of nature in the city.


London is a city that is well known in Europe, Yes. the city is the capital of the UK, a country that has many nicknames. Here you will experience unforgettable sensations, to the wedding party.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Top 10 The Best Destination Wedding Locations

Top 10 The Best Destination Wedding Locations - Getting married is a sacred Covenant between two human beings who fall in love with each other, and want to build a new small family. A rare moment of marriage must be prepared carefully so that it can be remembered with the beautiful in time to come.

If you want to do a wedding in an exotic place and nature. Lifestyle Do More have prepared interesting articles so that you can prepare in advance.

Top 10 The Best Destination Wedding Locations

2. For a country wedding: Leeds Castle, England

With its moat, drawbridge and picturesque gardens, the historic Leeds Castle is the perfect backdrop for a fairytale wedding in the countryside of England. Think champagne toasts in the drawing room and a lavish ceremony in the grand ballroom, followed by dinner and dancing in King Henry VIII's 13th-century banquet hall.

Added bonus: Newlyweds and guests can stay the night in one of the castle's plush period bedrooms (or alternatively, go glamping in the castle vineyards). Be sure to warn your guests that the castle is in Kent, rather than in the northern city of Leeds.

Leeds Castle, Maidstone, Kent ME17 1PL; 01622 765400

3. For an intimate wedding: Helena Bay Lodge, New Zealand

If cozy and intimate is the vibe you're after, you can't beat Helena Bay Lodge, a new boutique hotel on its own private stretch of coastline in New Zealand. The hotel has just five villas and allows only 10 guests on the property at any given time, trimming any guest list down by default.

Then there's the blissfully remote location: The hotel is an hour's drive from the nearest town, hidden amidst 750 wooded acres on the North Island's secluded northeast coast. If the weather allows, ceremonies can be held on windswept Helena Bay beach, just steps from your villa.

Helena Bay Lodge, 1948 Russell Road, RD4 Hikurangi, 0184, New Zealand; +64 9 433 6006

4. For a budget wedding: Hotel Riu Montego Bay, Jamaica

Who says a wedding in paradise has to break the bank? At the Hotel Riu in Montego Bay, wedding packages start at the just US $1,700 and include a beach ceremony for up to 20 guests, a wedding coordinator, reception and even a wedding cake.

Room rates are also relatively inexpensive, beginning at the US $200 for an all-inclusive three-night stay (all meals and alcoholic beverages included).

As if that weren't enough reason to get hitched here, the hotel itself is lovely and located on a beautiful white-sand beach, minutes from Montego Bay's main drag.

Hotel Riu, Mahoe Bay, Ironshore P.O., Montego Bay, Jamaica; +1 876 940 80 10

5. For a showstopper wedding: Grand Hotel Tremezzo, Italy

With its over-the-top luxury and postcard-perfect location on Lake Como, the palatial Grand Hotel Tremezzo is the place to throw a celebrity-style showstopper wedding in Italy.

Ceremonies are held in the hotel's lush lakefront gardens or in the beautiful 17th-century Villa Carlotta, located just a stone's throw away from the property. Afterward, guests can dine by candlelight at La Terrazza and end the night with dancing and cocktails at the lavish, lakefront L'Escale bar (fireworks optional).

Grand Hotel Tremezzo, Via Regina, 8, 22016 Tremezzo CO, Italy; +39 0344 42491

6. For a same-sex wedding: Korakia Pensione, Palm Springs

With its year-round sunshine, dreamy desert landscape, and sizeable LGBT+ community, it's no wonder Palm Springs, California, remains a popular destination for same-sex weddings. And though there are countless venues from which to choose, Korakia Pensione is one of the city's most romantic.

The eclectic, Mediterranean-inspired hotel features candlelit walkways, palm-flanked pools, and leafy, bougainvillea-filled gardens -- perfect for intimate sunset ceremonies. Afterward, couples and guests can retire to stylish, rustic-chic bungalows with views of the San Jacinto mountains.

Korakia Pensione, 257 S. Patencio Road, Palm Springs, California 92262; +760.864.6411

7. Malibu Rocky Oaks Estate Vineyards (Malibu, California)

If you want to enjoy an unforgettable sensation above a hill, you better choose Malibu Rocky Oaks Estate Vineyards located in Malibu, California. And costs around $12.000-$40,000, and able to accommodate up to 400 people invited guests.

Address: 340 Kanan Rd, Malibu, CA 90265, United States
Telephone: + 1 877-676-7660

8. Stein Eriksen Lodge (Park City, Utah)

If you wish to carry out a very different wedding party, i.e., in a cool place and join in the snow. Will add an unforgettable moment, maybe you are interested in this place. And costs, about $10.000-$ 45,000. And being able to fit more people, which is about 490 to capacity.
Address: 7700 Stein Way, Park City, UT 84060, United States
Telephone: + 1 435-649-3700

9. The Greenhouse at Driftwood (Texas)

If you want to want such an atmosphere in the home, but did not leave a beautiful natural shades. Preferably, choose The Greenhouse at Driftwood. As the site of the wedding party, guaranteed so unforgettable moment. Price Range: $3,000-$10,000 and Capacity: 400For additional information, click here.

10. Aman Venice Hotel (Venice, Italy)

For you who want a practical, and do not want to bother if rain fell suddenly. Lifestyle do More Secure, recommends Venice Hotel. with the price of $1,070-$5,600 and can accommodate a lot of people, up to 150 people

For additional information, click here.

Safety Tips for Driving in Snow And Ice

Safety Tips for Driving in Snow And Ice - When driving with the snowy weather was very difficult and it took extra caution so as not an accident when driving on the road. Lifestyle do more have prepared tips, so you can travel by car, by the time the season of snow and slippery roads. So no need to worry

Safety Tips for Driving in Snow And Ice

Tips for long-distance winter trips:

  • Watch weather reports prior to a long-distance drive or before driving ing in isolated areas. Delay trips when the especially bad weather is expected. If you must leave, let others know your route, destination and estimated time of arrival.

  • Always make sure your vehicle is in peak operating condition by having it inspected by an Approved Auto Repair facility.

  • Keep at least half a tank of gasoline in your vehicle at all times.

  • Pack a cellular telephone with your local telephone number, plus blankets, gloves, hats, food, water and any needed medication in your vehicle.

  • If you become snow-bound, stay with your vehicle. It provides temporary shelter and makes it easier for rescuers to locate you. Don’t try to walk in a severe storm. It’s easy to lose sight of your vehicle in blowing snow and become lost.

  • Don’t over exert yourself if you try to push or dig your vehicle out of the snow.

  • Tie a brightly colored cloth to the antenna or place a cloth at the top of a rolled up window to signal distress. At night, keep the dome light on if possible. It only uses a small amount of electricity and will make it easier for rescuers to find you.

  • Make sure the exhaust pipe isn’t clogged with snow, ice or mud. A blocked exhaust could cause deadly carbon monoxide gas to leak into the passenger compartment with the engine running.

  • Use whatever is available to insulate your body from the cold. This could include floor mats, newspapers or paper maps.

  • If possible run the engine and heater just long enough to remove the chill and to conserve gasoline.

Tips for driving in the snow:

  • Accelerate and decelerate slowly. Applying the gas slowly to accelerate is the best method for regaining traction and avoiding skids. Don’t try to get moving in a hurry. And take time to slow down for a stoplight. Remember: It takes longer to slow down on icy roads.

  • Drive slowly. Everything takes longer on snow-covered roads. Accelerating, stopping, turning – nothing happens as quickly as on dry pavement. Give yourself time to maneuver by driving slowly.

  • The normal dry pavement following distance of three to four seconds should be increased to eight to ten seconds. This increased margin of safety will provide the longer distance needed if you have to stop.

  • Know your brakes. Whether you have antilock brakes or not, the best way to stop is threshold breaking. Keep the heel of your foot on the floor and use the ball of your foot to apply firm, steady pressure on the brake pedal.

  • Don’t stop if you can avoid it. There’s a big difference in the amount of inertia it takes to start moving from a full stop versus how much it takes to get moving while still rolling. If you can slow down enough to keep rolling until a traffic light changes, do it.

  • Don’t power up hills. Applying extra gas on snow-covered roads just starts your wheels spinning. Try to get a little inertia going before you reach the hill and let that inertia carry you to the top. As you reach the crest of the hill, reduce your speed and proceed downhill as slowly as possible.

  • Don’t stop going up a hill. There’s nothing worse than trying to get moving up a hill on an icy road. Get some inertia going on a flat roadway before you take on the hill.

  • Stay home. If you really don’t have to go out, don’t. Even if you can drive well in the snow, not everyone else can. Don’t tempt fate: If you don’t have somewhere you have to be, watch the snow from indoors.